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2021-2022 MA&CE Safety and Health Document

MA&CE Safety and Health

 Manchester Adult and Continuing Education 22-23

People’s health and safety should always be schools’ and institutions’ first priority. Our new “norm” demands it. Although our current norm is riddled with inconveniences and requirements that infringe upon what we are used to doing and acting, the specific safety mandates in this document are necessary and even life-saving. Please join me in embracing “Safety First!” —D. Welch, (Safety Coordinator)

Below is the link to the Manchester Adult and Continuing Education Health and Safety Document. This document contains the most up to date information and protocols regarding Covid-19. 

Please Note: All changes that the State or Manchester Public Schools make will be reflected in this document. 

2022-2023 MA&CE Safety, Health, and Wellness Document



State of CT New Guidelines - 2/16/2022

…As of February 16, 2022,  employees in public and non-public schools are no longer required to be fully vaccinated, nor will schools be prohibited from hiring prospective employees who are not fully vaccinated. As a result and effective immediately, Manchester Public Schools will no longer require unvaccinated employees in public and non-public schools to undergo weekly testing as an alternative to becoming fully vaccinated.



Liaisons for MA&CE




COVID-19 Vaccine Facts & Resources:

Manchester Health Department |479 Main St. Manchester,CT | healthdepartment@manchesterct.gov | 860.647.3173